Federated Commodities Limited (FEDCO) is a Ghanaian-based Licensed Cocoa Buying company (LBC), established in March 1996. Currently operating in 68 cocoa districts across all seven cocoa growing regions in Ghana with over 70,000 cocoa farmers, the LBC sources cocoa for its international clients including chocolatiers and traders. FEDCO joined ICI in January 2023 to further their knowledge and understanding about child labour and ways to tackle it and expand their interventions such as through Child Labour Monitoring and Remediation Systems .
FEDCO supports ICIs vision of thriving cocoa-growing communities within a responsibly managed cocoa supply chain, where child rights are protected, and human rights are respected. “FEDCOhas positioned itself as the vanguard of promoting child and other rights in the cocoa sub sector. By joining the ICI, a wider platform is created to work with others to protect the rights of all,” says Maria Adamu-Zibo, Managing Director for FEDCO Ghana.
“We are really pleased to welcome FEDCO to ICI. As a licensed buying company based in Ghana with a large network of farmers, it brings a valuable perspective to the organization and will play an important role in our collective efforts to tackle human rights risks in cocoa. We look forward to supporting its efforts to tackle child labour, and learning from its experiences,” explained Matthias Lange, ICI Executive Director.