
Fairtrade, an ICI Non-Profit Contributing Partner, has recently launched the first edition of its West Africa Cocoa Programme Monitoring Report. The Programme was launched in 2016 to support small-scale producer organisations (SPOs) become effective and resilient businesses which support farmers’ livelihoods. This report provides analysis of Fairtrade’s progress over the last two years of implementation.

Among the results detailed in the report are 34,417 attendances to training sessions hosted by Fairtrade Africa as well as high scores among SPO managers of key topics including prevention of child labour and gender equality.

ICI congratulates Fairtrade on the progress documented in the report and for its transparent reporting. Fairtrade joined ICI in 2019. Since then the two organisations have shared knowledge and results from Child Labour Monitoring and Remediation Systems and collaborated on reviews of their effectiveness, with the ultimate goal of facilitating their scale up across the cocoa sector. ICI looks forward to continuing to work with Fairtrade to embed the CLMRS in supply chains in West Africa.

Access Fairtrade’s West Africa Cocoa Programme Monitoring Report – First Edition